Free guides and templates

Our Templates and Style Guides
To help simplify the setting up process, you can request our helpful templates and style guides.
Indesign files are available on request.
Text-based templates and style guides:
Available in a Traditional or Modern font.

7.75″ x 5.25″
198mm x 129mm

8.5″ x 5.5″
216mm x 138mm

9″ x 6″
229mm x 152mm
Photobook templates:

9″ x 6″

9″ x 9″

12″ x 9″
Alternative layout:
For photographers who want a gallery feel for their book, this is an alternative layout concept. It allows the photograph to cover the whole of the right hand page. This will especially appeal to the professional photographer (or serious amateur) looking to make an impact with their images. We recommend using the 12 by 9 inches page size and not going above 125 photographs (256 page book).

12″ x 9″ template