Publishing Packages
Everything you need to successfully self-publish a book from one award-winning self-publishing company

Plans for every need
Successfuly self-publish a book with our publishing options.
from $599
For authors who have their files ready for printing (text pages and cover) and to the correct standards.
- 25 softcover books for your own use (up to 9 by 6 inch size & 192 pages)
- Conversion to eBook format included
- Single file check before printing to confirm the quality
- ISBN numbers & barcodes for print and eBook editions
- Extra print copies available
from $199
For authors who have their text ready for conversion to an eBook by one of our specialists.
- Includes conversion of photographs &images, graphs & tables, to be part of your eBook
- ISBN number and free listing on the Library of Congress database
- Quality and compatability testing on different eReaders and sizes
- Review copy before it is available to customers
We take ZERO commission on your net eBook sales from Amazon and other retailers.
from $699
Choose the services you require with our most flexible package.
We offer personalized quotes and a unique set of tools that will best suit your publishing needs. If you have a budget, let us know and we will work within that where possible.
We have years of experience working with authors who have friends and connections with skills they would like to use. The daughter of one author designed her cover and we supported them in getting the correct artwork ready. Another had a friend who was a trained editor, so they saved time and money by providing the manuscript fully edited.
from $3990
• Manuscript review and complete edit by our team (includes suggestions and comments)
• Professional cover design and page layout
• Joint final review of cover and pages before printing
• Dedicated ISBN and bar/scan code
• Free sample copy
• Up to 250 softcover books (black text) for your own use (max 192 printed pages) including delivery
• 60lb brilliant white paper
• 88lb full color cover with laminate finish
• Any book sizes up to 6” by 9″ (larger size available by quotation)
• eBook files (ePub and .mobi) to sell across different platforms
• Book listed on our library, online bookshop and Amazon USA/UK
• Full color book pages available by quotation
• Up to 384 black and white printed pages available +$1000
• Marketing Options Available
• Payment instalment options available
from $9500
• Two manuscript reviews and edits by our team (includes suggestions and comments)
• Professional cover design and page layout
• Joint final review of cover and pages before printing
• Dedicated ISBN and bar/scan code
• Free sample copy
• Up to 500 softcover books (black text) for your own use (max 192 printed pages) including delivery
• 60lb brilliant white paper
• 88lb full color cover with laminate
• Any book sizes up to 6” by 9″ (larger size available by quotation)
• eBook files (ePub and .mobi) to sell across different platforms
• Book listed on our library, online bookshop and Amazon USA/UK
• Full color book pages available by quotation
• Cover artwork for your social channels
• Marketing options available
• Larger print runs available by quotation
• Payment instalment options available
from $29,900
Our shadow writing package is designed to help authors who have an important story to tell but don’t possess the writing skills or the time to put it down on paper.
In this package, you will work with one of our talented writers to develop your story and bring your ideas to life. Our goal is to capture your voice and style, empowering you to tell your story in the way that you want it to be told.
With all premium package items included, this option covers all the aspects required to publish your book.
from $44,500
Includes all Premium Package items, with the following changes:
- An initial print run of 5,000 softcover copies or 2,500 hardcover copies
- A 12-month global book distribution service (we handle the book storage, national distribution, including mail orders for each print run)
- All domestic and international shipping will be charged at a cost price via our competitively-priced freight and courier accounts
- Up to 3 x one minute videos to promote the book
- Wider merchandise available for the book and/or your business
- Payment Plan possible
How the process works
1. Choose the publishing option/package below and contact us via the form
2. We will acknowledge receipt and provide a timeframe for a complete reply
3. Once we have had time to review it and confirm the best package for you, the costs and timeframe to have the book ready, we will provide all this information to you via email.
4. If you are happy to proceed, we will send you a copy of the contract for signing and an invoice for any fees. We will commence work on receipt of the signed agreement and the funds.
5. As part of your package, when your manuscript has been edited, we will ask you to approve any chnages and answer any questions raised by the editor.
6. In parallel our designers will work on the cover design and two options will be sent to you for feedback before the full cover is created
7. If you want a printed sample copy we will arrange for this to be printed (a maximum two week process) and then shipped to you. As this is being done, we will have the book entered onto the national database ready for Amazon and other leading resellers and distributors to have the information on the book
8. When you are ready, we then print the agreed copies you want and depending on the package and contract, we will also print copies for us to sell and distribute. The printing can take up to two weeks to complete.
9. Welcome to being a published author!